Friday, March 26, 2021

Visualsation - The High Way Rat

Visulisation is creating pictures in your head. This helps understand what we read.

High way rat is about a rat who is greedy and steals everyone food. He learns a lesson and everyone live happily.  

My visualisation is different to others because I think of putting more details.

We have different visualisation because we think different.

Place Value and Saying Numbers

 Place value is a system that groups numbers based on their size. 

The position of a digit determines the value. When we say numbers we group then within the same house. For example 15709 has fifteen thousands, seven hundreds and nine ones.

 Understanding our base 10 place value system allows us to pronounce big numbers properly. It also allows us to identify numbers before and after.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Symphony Maths

 Today I did Symphony Maths.

First I went into my account and then went to do some tasks in Symphony Maths. The first task was about numbers adding up. After I finshed I went to do my next task which was stage 2. The next task was about addtion subtraction.

I only got to finish half of  the addition and subtraction because I ran out of time. After that I took a screenshot of my work. I didn't get any errors which was great but I need to hurry up on my answers.

After I took a screenshot of my work I got out of symphony maths and went to blog about my process and what I did in symphony maths.

I really enjoyed Symphony Maths because it helped me learn my  Maths Skills, it was easy for me using Symphony Maths.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Mihi Whakatau

 Mihi Whakatau is a Maori term for a formal greeting.

Mihi Whakatau is traditionally used for welcoming introductions and openings. It is undertaken by the Tangata Whenua (local inhabits).

The Mihi needs to acknowledge the significant aspeds to the place. The Maunga (mountain), Awa (river), and Iwi (tribe) are generally used.

Introducing Ingoa (name), Oku Tipuna (ancestral place) and where you live is important for the audience to understand the position of the speaker.

Manuhiri is the term used to describe or group the visitors that are being welcomed.

It is important to end with warm visitors so the visitors know that there is no hostility in 2 groups being together.

Friday, March 12, 2021

AFL Training

I played Australian football league.

First we sat on the grass and listened to the coach.When we were quiet our coach showed us how to pass the ball.The coach shown us the plate hand and the fist hand.

Next we got up into partners and try passing the ball.

Then the coach called us to sit in the shade and showed us how to kick the ball.When the coach told us to get in partners we got into the same partner.When it was time to stop the coach said we are going to play octopus.

After got turns to be the tagger but the rules was different.The tagger has to pass the ball and
try and hit us.When the coach said it is time for next game we got into different partners.The coach and to teacher had to stay still and we had to use the passing skill to hit the teachers.

I need to parctice more with my kicking.

Print Design Rules

I learned about Print Design Rules.

First Mr Wong taught us about the main aspects of the Print Design Rules, colour, text, layout, and composstion.

Next, I figured out which posters were good and bad with my partners

Last, I reorganized a poster to make it look good.

I need to think of good colours.

LS1 Treaty

In LS1  We learnt about the 3 P's in the Treaty of Waitangi and how they apply to our learning.

First Mr Ogilvie introdouced The 3 P's in the Treaty of Waitangi. They are partnership, protection and participation.

Then in groups we wrote statments about the 3 P's in LS1. LS1 figured out that the 3 P's are all connected. After that we used our group ideas and thought about how they connected  to me.

I chose these 3 P's statements because they will help me be successful with my learning.

I will help and work with other people and say nice things to them.


I learned prototec maths. Prototec is a maths learning game. I got 80 out of 100.

It took me 6ms and 46 seconds to complete my prototec sheet.

I completed stage 4 in my prototec sheet.

I need to work in my basic facts at home everyday.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


I learned how to write the alphabet, numbers, symbols, properly.

I watched a video to show neat handwriting.I wrote the characters neatly into my writing book.

I need to practice writing my J's on the line.