Friday, March 12, 2021

AFL Training

I played Australian football league.

First we sat on the grass and listened to the coach.When we were quiet our coach showed us how to pass the ball.The coach shown us the plate hand and the fist hand.

Next we got up into partners and try passing the ball.

Then the coach called us to sit in the shade and showed us how to kick the ball.When the coach told us to get in partners we got into the same partner.When it was time to stop the coach said we are going to play octopus.

After got turns to be the tagger but the rules was different.The tagger has to pass the ball and
try and hit us.When the coach said it is time for next game we got into different partners.The coach and to teacher had to stay still and we had to use the passing skill to hit the teachers.

I need to parctice more with my kicking.

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