Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Poetry Slam

 I finished a summer learning journey task.

First I filled in the chart with a noun, a verb, a adjective and adverbs.

Next I added some synonymsw and a picture.

Lastly  I went to the next slide and filled some pictures that I like to do for summer.

I enjoyed this task because it makes me remmeber the joy of camping.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Mobile Puzzles

 I learned how to make my own mobile puzzle. A mobile puzzle is a online puzzle game that can be solved.

First I got my maths book and drew a round circle and then I drew my vertical line under the circle and after that i drew the horizontal line under the vertical line.

Then I drew two vertical lines and the end of the horizontal line.

After that I drew a circle on a vertical line and drew another circle on the vertical line the circle means one and there are two of them so the answer is two.

Then I drew some more mobile puzzles with more shapes and more numbers.

I need to improve making harder puzzles.

Peppermint Information

Peppermint is a strongly aromatic perennial herb/vegetable of the mint family.

Peppermint can be used to make flavour for milkshakes, drinks and ice cream.

Peppermint is commonly used in Asia and Europe.

Peppermint can be cooked in different dishes and different ways. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Futoshiki Puzzle

I learned how to solve a futoshiki puzzle. A futoshiki is board based puzzle game.

First I drew the 5 by 5 grid.

Then I drew some numbers randomly 1 to 5.

I wanted to start where the most numbers are for example 3 and 2. 

So there already 3 and 2 so I hvae to put five, four and one somewhere.

I have putted three, five, four, two and one. The whole row/collum has been filled with 1,2,3,4,5.

You can not put the numbers together horizontally and vertically but it can be next to eachother diagonally.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Line Art

I learned line art. Line art is a type of art that includes straight lines or curved lines.

I planned my line art in my maths book first.

Then I drew the numbers horizontally and vertically on my book. After I drew the numbers I joined a number to anothe numbet using a ruler.

I then got a big paper and drew lots of line art pieces on the paper and tried to fill the whole page.

After I drew some pieces I started putting in some colour to make in more intresting.

I love line art but I also need to improve ruling my straight lines.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Why are phones good for school?

I learnt how to use some persuasive reasons.

First I brainstormed some topics and decided which one I was going to use. I then chose my topics that I was gonna use my topic was Why are phones good for school? and my argument was Students should be allowed to take phones to school.

Next I typed some information why are phones good for school.

Then I researched some other information that other people belive in. I had three reasons to do and they were: Phones are good for school because they can help call a relative so they know where you are audio and video make learning fun Phones are also useful because they have acess to tools and apps that can help them with classwork. Phones can be setted up with a calendar and schedule.

I think I need more practise on my researching. ‌‌‌    

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Traffic Light

I made a document and I inserted a table.

First I watched 2 videos. I watched the first video first then the next video. The first video was about brainstorming and the second video was about planning. Then I got on with the next step.

Later I brainstormed some ideas from my head. Then I typed 3 categories which were: Myself, School and the world. Then I typed my ideas in the right catogory lane.

In the end I colour coded all my ideas if they were all ok to proceed or not. Red means stop, yellow means it's ok and green means it can proceed.

I learned a lot about brainstorming, planning and persuasion. Next time I should have brainstormed more ideas.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Duffy Theatre

LS1 and I went to a Duffy Theatre show.

When I arrived, I sat down on the floor and waited for the other classes to come. While the Duffy group was playing the songs the other classes came and they started the show. They first decided what role they were going to choose.

Next They finished choosing their roles. There were chickens, an auntie, a mum, a brother and a little sister. It was really funny.

In the end Duffy fell into a hole and the auntie and the little sister helped Duffy to get out of the hole. Some people helped by grabbing the rope and pulling it softly. Then we got to ask some questions to the characters.

The experience was amazing because it was funny and enjoyable

Friday, July 2, 2021

Party Popper Design

My group The Gryffindor Squad, made a party popper design.

First I discussed to my company what design we should do. We used the long rubber band instead of the medium rubber band because they were all used. So we just used the long rubber band instead because it was actually good!

Next we were choosing our cups. Then we tested the paper cup and it was successful. Then we tested the plastic cup. The plastic cup was ok but we just decided to use the paper cup. So then we chose the paper cup because it was successful!

To finish up We chose all our other things. We chose the toothpick for our stopper, a piece of paper for our weight and glitter stickers for our filling. Our plan was really successful.

I learned a lot about how to make party poppers. This is also a good thing because I increased my creativity skills. Next time I should get better items!

LI: to make a prototype for testing.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Explanation Starter| Strawberries

 I learned how to explain a basic fact, a hook and an emotion.

 First I used the Basic fact about strawberries. A strawberry is a type of fruit.
 A Basic Fact is like a main fact or a simple fact.

 Then I used the Hook. Did you know that there are different types of strawberries?
 A Hook is something that starts with did you know.

 Then I used the emotion of when somebody ate a strawberry.
 A strawberry is a type of fruit and they are yummy.
 A emotion is similar to a feeling.


 I learnt about millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres in a group.

 I measured a tote tray. And it was 47 centimetres long. I thought it was 30 centimetres though. 
 Measuring can be measured by small rulers, long rulers, medium rulers and big rulers. 

 A millimetre is the smallest measure. A centimetre is the second smallest measure.

A metre is the medium size. A kilometre is the biggest amount out of all of the metres.

I liked learning about measurements because it helps me increase my maths measuring skills.

Memory game

Today I played a te reo maori memory game. We started with Zailett and then I was next.

We went around in a circle choosing our cards. It was Alexxa's turn and she got the correct memory cards. Some of the cards we were matching were: poaka paua - ham, paraoa - bread and retehi - lettuce.

After Alexxa won more of the memory cards all of us started to get the correct cards. 

I also revised some things from last week like roto and waho which mean in and out. 

I like doing all maori activties because they help me with my pronunciations in maori. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

HPE| Table Tennis

I learned balancing using Table Tennis.

I first learnt how to hold the bat. To hold the bat you need to put your had like your shooting and while your in the postion of shooting then you pretend that your shaking hands while holding the bat and being in the shooting postion.

Then I learnt how to bounce the ball on the bat. To bounce the ball on the bat you have to stay in a balanced position and bounce the ball we started using our forehand. My score was 7. Then we tried using our backhand.

Then I learnt how to bounce the ball while fliping the bat. I threw the ball a little high and then I bounced the ball on one side and fliped it and bounced it again mutiple times.

 Then I went in a line and particapated in a competition and I learnt the drop serve. A drop serve is a serve of when you bounce the ball on the table and then you hit the ball on the otherside of the tables using our backhand.

I like doing this activity because it helps me learn the sport of table tennis.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Maori Lesson

 I learned how to translate some names from Maori to english.

After I finshed my translating I made my own name but it has to be translated in to Te Reo.

After that Whaea Odie translated some people's names if they needed help.

For example Jacob Dororthy - Hakopa Tarati

I liked doing this activity because it helps me learn more names. 

Frisbee Technique | HPE

 I learned balancing when throwing and catching using frisbees.

My first actvity that I learned was throwing the frisbee to my partner.
This activity was hard for me because I don't know how to catch it.

My next activity was that I learnt about running and catching the frisbee.

This activty was a little bit hard because I just couldn't catch it and stop.

Then I played a game of frisbee I ran and then I missed the frisbee.
This game was hard because I hit my eye on the second round.

Then I played another game of frisbee and I was in the yellow team but the other team won.

This game was hard because I didn't concentrate on the game.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Te reo Lesson

We revised some previous questions from the past couple of weeks.

First, we revised maui, matau, and waenganui. Maui means left, matau means right, and waenganui means in the middle.

Next, we revised some questions. For example: "Kei hea te aporo? Kei roto i te peke." This means where is the apple, it is inside the bag.

These questions were easy because Whaea Odie told us the meaning in english.

Explanation Planner

 I learned how to use a Explanation Topic Planner.

 I first thought of what my topic was and it was how strawberries grow.

 These are the 3 mechanisims of how strawberries grow.

 The first mechanisim is the seed. 
 The cause is when the strawberry grows there are seeds for you to plant.
 And the effect is You need the seeds for it to grow a plant and strawberries.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Balancing Lesson

I learnt balancing by using tennis equippment.

First I balanced the tennis ball on the racket and walk around. 

Then I threw the ball at my partner and she hit it back.

Then Joe threw a ball and I hitted it with the racket.

I liked the activity because I learned to be more steadly and I learned how to hit on a tennis ball.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Bright Fine Gold

 The book Bright Fine Gold was about Gabriel Read finding gold and a gold rush happend in Central   Otago.        


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Balance| HPE

 Today I balanced with eqiuppment.

I started playing egg and spoon. I balanced on one foot an|
 going all the way down while holding the spoon. This was fun for me because it was easy for me to balance and I got more balancing strength than last time.    

My next activity was volleyball a person had to dig the volleyball and the other person had to set. I liked this activity because I think I am really good at it and it is fun balancing.

Then I played soccer. I balanced the ball on my forehead and then I bounced the ball three times on my knee. This was hard becuase I couldn't balance it on my forehead and I counldn't kick it up my knee.

After that I played some tennis balls and rackets. I threw the ball to Melissa and she whacked it. Then it was my turn. I like this activity because it is really fun at balancing and it gets my balance more steadly.

Then it used hockeys sticks and hockey balls. I rolled the ball to Melissa and then Melissa whacked it softly and then I took my turn. This activity was hard becuase the ball keeps on rolling a different direction.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Simple Machines

 Did you know that simple machines were invented along time ago? These simple machines are wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. Simple machines help people make work easier and faster. 



A introduction contains an interesting question or a hook. 

First Mr Ogilvie showed us a video about how to write a hook and what is a hook. 
Next, we wrote an introduction and a hook about three different topics.

Did you know that there are almost 20,000 butterfly speices ? The mother butterfly lays eggs and they turn into caterpillarsnand makes a chrysalis and then turns into a butterfly. It takes 9 to 14 days to take a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Did you know the largest firework display consisted of 810,904 fireworks? A firework consists of gunpowder a fuse and potassium nitrate. When these three mechanisims come together they create a colorful explosion in the air.
Do you know that choclate is made by coco powder? First dried coco beans will be roasted also heat blend food coloring sugar and flour. When the choclate is made they will wrap it in paper.

 Next time when I write a introduction I should add more information.

LI: how to write a hook in an introduction.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Explain That Idiom

A idiom is a word that is the same word but different meaning.



Today we learnt some objects from around the kitchen. For example oumu this means oven.

I learnt how to say Kei hea te puka puka? this means where is the book.

I also learnt how to say Kei raro i te tēpu? which means the pencil is under the table.

I thought this activity was fun beacause I thought it could help me with my maori in class.


Balancing |HPE

 Today I practiced some balancing using equippment.

I started doing hockey and I needed to balance on one leg and roll the ball and the other person had to push the hockey stick I finished the first activity. The activity was hard because I didn't try balance.

The next sport was the frisbee I also needed to balance on my leg again and I needed to throw the frisbee and then catch it while balancing. The activity was easy because it was easy to balance.

Then I did some basketball I need to bounce it and then throw it while balancing on one leg.

This activity is also easy because it was bouncing a ball and then passing it and balancing.

After that I did some netball I needed to balance again so while I was balancing I was passing the ball to my teamates. I like this activity because it is passing and balaincing and easy.

My last station was throwing a rugby ball to my teamates while balancing.

I like this activity because it was simple and easy to balnce.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 Calendars show us the day, week or month.

 There are 12 moths in the year, they are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,   September, October, November and December.

 Months have 28, 30 or 31 days. 

There are number patterns ona calendar by looking for four connecting   days for example 20, 60 and 100.

 Knowing before and after number sequence and 7 timetables helps us reading a calendar.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tipping Point | PE

A tipping point is when you fall but you catch the fall.

I revised my balancing and tipping point.

To practice my tipping point the class played a game to practice the tipping point the game was called tile twister. I had to balance so I didn't reach my tipping point. 

The game was basically twisting using your body parts but we used our squares on the floor to play the game.

I really liked balancing because balancing is fun and it is part of learning.


 Today I learned how to tell a person to pass something in maori.

 We revised last weeks maori lesson, tenei is here tena is there and tera is over there.

 Then we learnt how to say "hoatu te ( the thing that you want to pass ) ki te taha maui". "Hoatu te ( the thing that you want to pass ) ki te taha maui means "put the (the thing that you want to pass) to the left".

 I need to learn more Maori words and getting used to remembering them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The life cycle of a butterfly

I did a cause and effect task it was about a life cycle of a butterfly. 

First I sorted out the explanation of the life cycle of a butterfly.

Second I wrote a cause and effect sentence about when the caterpillars were in their eggs.

Next I wrote another cause and effect sentence about that caterpillars are incredibly hungry.

Then I wrote another cause and effect sentence about when caterpillars make a chrysalis.

After that I wrote a cause and effect sentence about when caterpillars turn into butterflys.

I really liked doing the activity because it was part of learning and it was fun.



Keywords are words that have alot meanings.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Manners | PB4L

Manners are words that are helpful, nice and repsect.

We use manners at school, home, and public. 

These are some manners that we mainly use.
Please, Thank you, Sorry, Excuse me,Your welcome.

 You have to look at the person or it is not respecting.

We use manners because it shows respect to other people that you know and in public.

Problem Solving

Today in groups we did an activity.

Our activity was time problem solving. 

We were answering some questions that is part of time.

We first thought of what the answer was and then we carried on to our next questions.

There were six questions. After that we finished andwent and carried on to do our maths after we showed the teacher.

I enjoyed doing this activity because it was part of learning and it was solving something.

Simple Machines

 These are simple machines that we found in the school.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 Today I learned how to say three prepostions in maori.

The first preposition was tenei. Tenei means here.

The second preposition was tena. Tena means over there.

The last preposition was tera. Tera means way over there.

I liked doing the activity and learning some new words.

HPE| Balance

Today I did balancing and my group took photo of the balancing.

First we balance on the ledge and took a photo. 

Next we did balanced parts in the playground. 

Then we balanced without using or touching the equippment.

I enjoyed doing the activity.

Friday, May 7, 2021


 Today I learnt some maori questions that help me learn words in maori in the classroom.

My first question was is Kua Marama. Kua Marama means Do you understand? 

My other question was Kua Mutu. Kua Mutu means Finished.

Next time I need to practice more maori words.


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Analog Clock

Analog clocks are a piece of technology thhat help tell time.

A clock has 3 mechanisims.
The secoond hand moves around the clock the Fastest.

The minute hand is the longest and moves around when the second hand completes 1 rotation. A full rotation of the minute hand is 1 hour. 

The hour hand moves the slowest and moves between the big numbers.

An analog clock requires you to look outside to know if it is morning or afternoon.


Simple Machines

 Simple Machines are machines to move an object with little force.

There are six different machines:

Wedge - A pointy material that can be used to cut things open.

Pulley - A rope on a wheel that can be used to lift tools up and lift tools down.

Screw - A pointy material that can be used to stick objects together.

Inclined Plane - A ramp that can lift heavy loads.

Wheel and Axel - A material that makes a tool roll.

Lever - A machine that lifts up heavy items/tools.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


Today I learned about balancing.

First Mr Ogilvie told us what balancing was. Balancing is keeping still and steady and not falling down or moving.

Then we started with our first activity. Our activity was that we had to balance on the balance beam while we had to cross the otherside of the balance beam. Two people from each team had to balance on the balance beam you can't fall if you fall then the whole team has to restart again.

Our next activity was to balance on a soccer ball. We had to balance on the soccer ball and other teamates help the person balance on the soccer ball. If we were confident we could try and stand on the ball without any support.

I felt confident doing the balance activity. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


 I learned that predicting is guessing something.

I made predictions about the information in the book Winter Sports.

Prediction is a little bit hard but with more practice I could do better.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read 38 pages of the book The big sleep over - ella and olivia.

The main characters are Ella, Zoe, Bob, and Olivia

This is a story about sisters the oldest one is named Ella and the younger one is named Olivia.

Ella is seven years old and Olivia is five and a half. Ella and Olivia have great time together and Ella asked her mom if she can have a slumber party mom thouught she was too young but she was growing up so mom agreed to her have her own slumber party.

I like Ella because she is nice and confident.

LI: to summerise and retell a text


 Teamwork is teamates working together as a group to achieve something.

Teamwork has three different type of mechanisims. 

Communicaton is planning something or talking to others. Sports have teams and the teamates in the teams communicate to plan something out or tell someone whats coming near them.

Cooperation is working together as a team. Teammates agree to plans and others thing to be sucessful.

Collabration is working with someone to complete something.

Teamwork is important because you make new friends and be sucessful

                                                      (This mechanisim shows communication)

                                                      (This mechanisim shows cooperation)

                                                    (This mechanisim shows collabration)


 Multiplication is a fast way of adding the same numbers many times. The three, four, and sixs are examples of multiplication.

The six times tables are multiplying six by a number of groups. 

The four times tables are easy to count.

The three times tables are easy to add and count.

The times tables are an easy to remember basic multiplication equations.                                                        The next times tables to learn are the seven, eight , and nine times tables.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Making Connections

Making Connections is looking at a text and finding similarites. 

There are three types of connections and they are text to self, text to text, and text to world. 

Text to self is connection about yourself, friends, or family. For example: The duck returned the food to the villagers. Opinion: The duck did the right thing as it was their food. My connection was my younger cousin took my older cousin’s   cupcake and I gave back my older cousin’s cupcake. 

These connect because they both are examples of people having things taken from them and returned by someone else.

Text to text is a connection about a story with the same fact and opinion. For example:The duck tells the rat that she has a sister. Opinion: The duck was trying not to get eaten. My connection was : Cinderella tricks the Prince into thinking she is a princess. She does this because she wants to get away from her step mother. These connect because they are trying to get in to a better situation.

Text to world is a connection about people. For example:The duck gave water to the horse.The duck could see the horse was tired and struggling. My connection was People in the world give food and water to those in need.These connect because someone is tired and someone else is giving  them water. 

Making connections are important because its a good reading strategy.


Duffy Role Model | Marc Duffy

 Marc is a Duffy role model. Marc didn't know how to read when he was young but then he learnt to read while he was in prison. A teacher there taught him how to read.

Marc was a NZ boxing lightweight champ.

Marc also learnt the trade of a builder and owned his own business. He began working for Bunnings fitting out their stores then went on to manage their biggest store in Hamilton.  Later he went back to university to become a counsellor. Now he goes to schools and tells children how reading is important and good for our brains.    

Friday, April 9, 2021

Private vs Public

 Public or Private information should be kept safe or sahred with other people.

Public information should be safe and can be shared with others people, For example nice comments, Photos of pets, Creative stuff. 

Private information has to be kept safe and not shared with other people and be posted on the internet, For example, Address , Account details , Personal information. 

Public information should be safe and can be shared with other people. Private information has to be kept safe.

LI: to differentiate between public and private information.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Character Trait Summary

  A Character Trait is things about that character. Character Traits are all the aspects of a persons behavior that make up that person's personality.Character traits are often shown with descriptive adjectives, like patient, unfaithful, or jealous. 

In the story The Highway Rat there are 3 main characters.

Character traits for the duck. The duck was frighted when the rat stopped the duck.                                    The duck was frighted because the rat had a pointy sword and pointed it at the duck. But then the duck had a idea to trick the rat so she could not be eaten.

The duck is kind because she returned the food back to the villagers and she fed water to the horse.She is kind because she got the water and the food by herself.

Charcter Traits are important to people and kids because they get to know about the character and if the character is kind or is not kind.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Fact or Opinion

I did a task called Fact or Opinion.

 My character was The Duck.

 I started with my first fact, my first fact was that the duck returned the food to the villagers. My opinion was that it was the right thing to do.

 I had to write 4 facts about the duck and 4 opinion's about what the duck did comparing to the fact next to     it.

 After I finished the facts and the opinion I wrote 5 adjectives in each opinion to describe the character traits.

 I learnt some adjective words by doing this activity how it you have to be nice to people.


My group and I did Multipulcation. 

We grouped the counters into small groups. 

After we grouped the counters we counted how many groups there were.

 After that we used the times table to find the amount. 

After we found the amount we made a into a rectangle. 

We took a picture of the rectangle and  putted the mulipulcation on top of the picture on the rectangle in google slides. 

Our number was 2 and our third slide  multipulcation was 2x12 = 24.

I really enjoyed the multipulcation task and I learned multipulation.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Visualsation - The High Way Rat

Visulisation is creating pictures in your head. This helps understand what we read.

High way rat is about a rat who is greedy and steals everyone food. He learns a lesson and everyone live happily.  

My visualisation is different to others because I think of putting more details.

We have different visualisation because we think different.

Place Value and Saying Numbers

 Place value is a system that groups numbers based on their size. 

The position of a digit determines the value. When we say numbers we group then within the same house. For example 15709 has fifteen thousands, seven hundreds and nine ones.

 Understanding our base 10 place value system allows us to pronounce big numbers properly. It also allows us to identify numbers before and after.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Symphony Maths

 Today I did Symphony Maths.

First I went into my account and then went to do some tasks in Symphony Maths. The first task was about numbers adding up. After I finshed I went to do my next task which was stage 2. The next task was about addtion subtraction.

I only got to finish half of  the addition and subtraction because I ran out of time. After that I took a screenshot of my work. I didn't get any errors which was great but I need to hurry up on my answers.

After I took a screenshot of my work I got out of symphony maths and went to blog about my process and what I did in symphony maths.

I really enjoyed Symphony Maths because it helped me learn my  Maths Skills, it was easy for me using Symphony Maths.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Mihi Whakatau

 Mihi Whakatau is a Maori term for a formal greeting.

Mihi Whakatau is traditionally used for welcoming introductions and openings. It is undertaken by the Tangata Whenua (local inhabits).

The Mihi needs to acknowledge the significant aspeds to the place. The Maunga (mountain), Awa (river), and Iwi (tribe) are generally used.

Introducing Ingoa (name), Oku Tipuna (ancestral place) and where you live is important for the audience to understand the position of the speaker.

Manuhiri is the term used to describe or group the visitors that are being welcomed.

It is important to end with warm visitors so the visitors know that there is no hostility in 2 groups being together.

Friday, March 12, 2021

AFL Training

I played Australian football league.

First we sat on the grass and listened to the coach.When we were quiet our coach showed us how to pass the ball.The coach shown us the plate hand and the fist hand.

Next we got up into partners and try passing the ball.

Then the coach called us to sit in the shade and showed us how to kick the ball.When the coach told us to get in partners we got into the same partner.When it was time to stop the coach said we are going to play octopus.

After got turns to be the tagger but the rules was different.The tagger has to pass the ball and
try and hit us.When the coach said it is time for next game we got into different partners.The coach and to teacher had to stay still and we had to use the passing skill to hit the teachers.

I need to parctice more with my kicking.

Print Design Rules

I learned about Print Design Rules.

First Mr Wong taught us about the main aspects of the Print Design Rules, colour, text, layout, and composstion.

Next, I figured out which posters were good and bad with my partners

Last, I reorganized a poster to make it look good.

I need to think of good colours.

LS1 Treaty

In LS1  We learnt about the 3 P's in the Treaty of Waitangi and how they apply to our learning.

First Mr Ogilvie introdouced The 3 P's in the Treaty of Waitangi. They are partnership, protection and participation.

Then in groups we wrote statments about the 3 P's in LS1. LS1 figured out that the 3 P's are all connected. After that we used our group ideas and thought about how they connected  to me.

I chose these 3 P's statements because they will help me be successful with my learning.

I will help and work with other people and say nice things to them.


I learned prototec maths. Prototec is a maths learning game. I got 80 out of 100.

It took me 6ms and 46 seconds to complete my prototec sheet.

I completed stage 4 in my prototec sheet.

I need to work in my basic facts at home everyday.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


I learned how to write the alphabet, numbers, symbols, properly.

I watched a video to show neat handwriting.I wrote the characters neatly into my writing book.

I need to practice writing my J's on the line.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

SSR Selfie - DogMan Unleashed

I read 1 Chapter of Dog Man Unleashed by Dav Pilkey

There was a dog and a Police officer that was a team.The dog and the police officer were chased some criminals.

I liked how the  illustrator created the book cover and how the  illustrator drew the characters

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Basic Facts Sheet

 Today   I created a basic facts chart using Google Sheets. 

My group and I used uni link cubes to see if the answer was corrent or incorrent.I started off to do the Number bond up to 10 first,Then I went to do my number bonds to 20.Then I went to do my doubles.

Lastly I was copy and pasting so I could get the my number bonds finished and my doubles finished (ctrl c to copy)(ctrl v to paste)

I really enjoyed how I learned how to do number bonds and doubles up to 10 & 20.

L1:Learning Number bonds and Doubles

Thursday, February 18, 2021

All About Me 2021


My name is Kaysorn. I am Burmese. I am in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. I enjoy writing at school and I enjoy playing with my friends at home.