Wednesday, June 30, 2021

HPE| Table Tennis

I learned balancing using Table Tennis.

I first learnt how to hold the bat. To hold the bat you need to put your had like your shooting and while your in the postion of shooting then you pretend that your shaking hands while holding the bat and being in the shooting postion.

Then I learnt how to bounce the ball on the bat. To bounce the ball on the bat you have to stay in a balanced position and bounce the ball we started using our forehand. My score was 7. Then we tried using our backhand.

Then I learnt how to bounce the ball while fliping the bat. I threw the ball a little high and then I bounced the ball on one side and fliped it and bounced it again mutiple times.

 Then I went in a line and particapated in a competition and I learnt the drop serve. A drop serve is a serve of when you bounce the ball on the table and then you hit the ball on the otherside of the tables using our backhand.

I like doing this activity because it helps me learn the sport of table tennis.

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